Elementor #11274

Elementor #11274

A 12mm rubber grommet can mean two things – you are either looking at a rubber grommet with an inside diameter of 12 cm (half an inch), or you are looking at the grommet with a 12 mm outer diameter. Now, these two, no matter how similar they might sound, are quite a bit different. For instance, a 12 mm rubber grommet could also mean a rubber 12 cm rubber plug, as well as a regular grommet with a 12 mm opening to run cabling through it. 

We’ve been manufacturing rubber grommets such as this one for quite some time now, and based on our experience and knowledge, we can safely say that as far as customization goes, your options for a 12 mm rubber grommet as pretty much endless. On that note, let’s see how could we customize a 12 mm rubber grommet.

Even if we assume that the 12 mm stands solely for inner diameter, we could change quite a lot of other things about this rubber grommet, starting with the material. The most commonly used material for 12 mm rubber grommet production and manufacturing is natural rubber, followed by neoprene, silicone, nitrile and so on. All of these rubbers are kind of similar, although they are not the same. For instance, if we compare natural rubber to silicone, we’ll see that natural rubber is much more tear-resistant, but unlike silicone, it can’t withstand really high temperatures, making its usage quite a bit limited. Additionally, virtually any of these can be colour-customized, too. So, if you need a specially coloured 12 mm rubber grommet – feel free to contact us with your proposal.

A rubber grommet such as this one can be found anywhere around us – from everyday kitchen appliances to our personal computers, automobiles and so on. 

Our rubber grommets

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With over 18,000 sizes of rubber grommets in stock, we offer customized materials, colors, hardness, and temperature resistance. Contact us for more details!